138th Stated Meeting of the Presbytery of the Pines
Saturday, February 8, 2025 - First Presbyterian Church, El Dorado, AR
138th Stated Meeting of the Presbytery of the Pines, to be held in-person on Saturday, February 8, 2025 beginning at 10:00am, at the First Presbyterian Church of El Dorado in El Dorado, Arkansas.
Like recent meetings, Registration will begin at 9:00 a.m.; and our meeting will begin promptly at 10:00am; following the call to order, the Assembly will move immediately to worship in the Sanctuary—which will include the annual Necrology Service, the Installation of the new Moderator and Moderator-Elect of Presbytery, and the Lord’s Supper. An offering will be received and has been designated to support Interfaith Help Services, an ecumenical outreach organization in El Dorado of which FPC El Dorado is a part.
Once again, in order to help assist in providing for everyone’s needs, members and commissioners, visitors and others are invited and encouraged pre-register their attendance for the meeting by using this Google Form online: https://forms.gle/6kbWRJv4HU6KDTMt8. Or you may also pre-register by contacting the Stated Clerk, David Stipp-Bethune directly (email: revdrstipp@msn.com or leave a phone message at 318.255.6177).
If you, or a commissioner from your congregation, are unable to attend, you may also register an excused absence on the Google Form; or, you can also register excuses by contacting the Stated Clerk as indicated above. It is still the case that retired minister members ARE NOT REQUIRED to request an EXCUSED ABSENCE, but we would appreciate knowing if you plan to attend!
Attached with this notice is the proposed docket of business for this meeting; a detailed packet with information and materials will be distributed two weeks prior to the meeting with documents and reports for you to review prior to the meeting. The packet will be made available using this same email distribution list; but when you pre-register you can also provide an email address for materials to be sent to you directly. Materials will also be made available on our Presbytery’s website.
If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I’m looking forward to our time together in a few weeks in El Dorado!
David Stipp-Bethune
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